Serviços de Fisioterapia

Ofereço atendimento individualizado e acolhedor para tratar dores e melhorar posturas através de métodos de excelência

Reeducação do Movimento

Método que estimula a consciência corporal e a autonomia nos movimentos diários.

Several people are positioned on a reflective floor in a well-lit room, performing a yoga pose. They are arranged in a spread-out formation, each with a focused and serene expression, looking upward as they stretch their bodies.
Several people are positioned on a reflective floor in a well-lit room, performing a yoga pose. They are arranged in a spread-out formation, each with a focused and serene expression, looking upward as they stretch their bodies.
Ginástica Holística

Método que integra corpo e mente, promovendo bem-estar e saúde através do movimento consciente.

Equilibre as tensões entre as suas cadeias musculares com este método incrível,  de abordagem psicocomportamental. Reencontre a liberdade dos seus movimentos e a leveza de um corpo sem dores.

Cadeias Musculares GDS
A group of people is practicing yoga on colorful mats spread across a lush green lawn under a concrete structure. The participants are performing a stretching pose and are dressed in casual athletic wear.
A group of people is practicing yoga on colorful mats spread across a lush green lawn under a concrete structure. The participants are performing a stretching pose and are dressed in casual athletic wear.
A person practices yoga on a mat by a calm river, performing a reverse triangle pose with one arm extended upwards and the other touching the ground. The setting is serene with a focus on balance and flexibility.
A person practices yoga on a mat by a calm river, performing a reverse triangle pose with one arm extended upwards and the other touching the ground. The setting is serene with a focus on balance and flexibility.


Explore seus movimentos com métodos eficazes e dinâmicos !

A blurred image of a person dancing or moving gracefully outside, dressed in a flowing black dress against a backdrop of a leafless tree. The movement creates a sense of dynamism and fluidity.
A blurred image of a person dancing or moving gracefully outside, dressed in a flowing black dress against a backdrop of a leafless tree. The movement creates a sense of dynamism and fluidity.